Friday, 13 November 2020

Glitterfest 2020!

Hi everyone, I hope you're feeling sparkly today! This look is the next up from my birthday poll on Instagram, the suggestion was 'glitterfest' and it came second. Absolutely ages ago I bought some glitter pots from Divine by Natasha Lee, after watching some of her videos on how to use them on YoutTube. I honestly can't believe its taken me this long to try them, but here we are! I chose four out of my seven colours as I thought these went well together and the others might look a bit Christmassy. 

I started with a coloured base on each nail as instructed in the video (colours listed below the pictures). In the videos Natasha shows you various ways of doing glitter nails, with gel or regular nail polish. I chose to use regular polish as that's what I prefer to work with, and started off with one look, but then changed it to another by adding a top coat as the texture was bothering me! After two layers of nail polish I added a coat of clear polish, and used a flat brush to spoon glitter onto my nails. I have some little triangular trays I bought with the glitters, to catch the glitter that falls off and tip it back into the pot, this is really useful but glitter does still get everywhere! I then used a fan brush to brush off the excess glitter and ta da! Very Sparkly nails!

In the pictures below you can see some before and some after the top coats. I love the textured look before the top coats and how sparkly it looks, however it did start to annoy me as I'd feel it touch things and feel like it was rubbing the glitter off, so I did decide to add a couple of layers of 'glitter grabber' polish and a top coat. As it turned out I liked that look just as much anyway! Overall I see these as a success, the middle and little fingers are definitely the neatest and I like the colour on my middle finger the best.

Colours used: Casablanca - Jessica, Prima Donna - Jessica, Mermaid Tail - Barry M, Copa Girls (faded) - Cupcake Polish
Glitters used: Iris, Siren, Bora Bora, Northern Lights - all from Divine by Natasha Lee