Wednesday 3 February 2021

Soon may the Wellerman come...

To bring us sugar and tea and rum! The popular Wellerman sea shanty is my theme for todays nail art! I don't know how popular it's been around the rest of the world but in the UK people have gone made for sea shanties, with the most popular being The Wellerman which went viral after a postman's cover of it took off on Tik Tok. Loads of people joined in and made versions, and a dancey version of it is currently number 3 in the UK charts! It's all great fun and I am very much on board with it!

For this look I started with a base of blue on three of my fingernails, and cream on my thumb and ring fingernails. For the whale, whales tail and sailor/fisherman nails I used images from Mo You London's Sailor 18 plate which is one of my all time faves! I created decals of the fisherman and humpback whale so I could colour them in. For my ring fingernail I used the Sailor 01 plate, and for my little finger I used Uber Chic's Bottoms Up stamping plate to represent the tea. I didn't have any images for sugar or rum but I think I captured enough elements of the song! I finished with a matte top coat to make the colours pop.

Overall I'm pretty pleased with these, I think they're good fun and I do love a nautical theme! I'm enjoying the colour scheme too. I think the multi-wave image with the whale tale on my thumb is a little messy but I love the look so much I'm not sure it matters!

Colours used: Can't Find My Czechbook - OPI, Cream Soda - Barry M, Black Stamping Polish - Dance Legend, White Stamping Polish - Rainbow Connection, Cobalt - Barry M, Indigo - Barry M, Cappuccino - Barry M, Cocoa - Barry M, Charlotte Street - Nails Inc


  1. Lovely nail art. That whole thing has passed me by, I don't have social media so maybe that is why haha!

    1. Thank you :) It started on TikTok I believe which I'm not on either, but it's all over YouTube etc now, so much fun! All started by a Scottish postman :)
